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Roana, pure water from the source to the table

From the pristine Panico sources of Mount Bove, in the heart of Sibillini Mountains,
to the tables of families and restaurants. Thus, Roana mineral water, high and deep
at the same time, at a constant temperature of 5,2°C and with a fixed residue of 109
mg/l at 180°C, goes directly and controlled from the source to the bottle of those
who choose it every day for its purity, lightness and pleasantness.


ROANA oligomineral water springs spontaneously from Mount Bove at 1,300 meters above sea level, precisely in the wild Val di Panico. It is here that more than half a century ago, Osvaldo Pioli, a great naturalist and passionate hunter, accidentally discovered the presence of the spring. From him the idea of ​​requesting the concession for the use of the source and for making stainless steel pipes that allow water to arrive at the plant without ever coming in contact with air, so as to maintain unchanged every single property .

The origin of the name

It is said that the name Roana derives from the fact that the founder Osvaldo Pioli, was an admirer of the writer Ernest Hemingway and, like him, as a boy he had developed a strong love for nature, hunting and adventure.
The inspiration of the name Roana and the image of the tiger that emerges from behind the mountains come from his novel, in fact Dr. Pioli said: "ROANA water is as aggressive as a tiger, once tasted, it assaults you and you do not forget it! "

a complete range of sizes

Roana water is distributed within a wide and complete range of sizes, able to meet the needs of every taste and market in order to have refreshing Roana water always available to quench your thirst.

The Values of Health

Scientific studies recognise a primary role in the ability of mineral water to affect the functions of the body in a positive manner.

For this to happen, it is necessary for mineral water to contain a series of specific characteristics.


A Precious Asset

Water, which is often wasted in rich countries and scarce and often polluted in poor ones, is one of the resources that is most in need of development worldwide. 


for catering and HOME DELIVERY


S.I.BE. srl is present in several Italian regions, thanks to a channel of retailers carrying out door to door service, a service dedicated to all those who wish to receive a high quality product, comfortably at home.
Contact us for information on the local wholesaler who makes home delivery and for any other information about our products.

S.I.BE. Srl


PARTITA IVA 00201920436

Frazione Capovallazza
62039 Ussita Macerata

TEL 0737 99160

FAX 0737 971914

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