A story of spontaneity and lightness

Who are we?
Around the early 70’s, the S.I.BE. Srl manufactured and sold orange juice and sodas, made with the best water that, then as now, springs naturally and pure at 1300 meters. In the 80’s, the rise in popularity of bottled spring water encouraged the company to gradually convert production, to work exclusively with mineral water bottling.
S.I.BE. Srl was originally passed from father to son and today it is 100% owned by the Storani family, successful entrepreneurs who, since joining the company, have started a new era, based on modernity and development. A highly professional and qualified management team shares with the owners basic ideals such as care for the product and the customer, brand development and local product protection.
For us, product quality and respect for the environment are an integral part of our history. Our customers choose us because for over 40 years Roana water is synonymous with well-being and link with the territory.
We are a small company structured to meet all needs, with a view to continuous improvement, so as to ensure maximum control and obtain a product of the highest quality always in step with the times.
You can receive Roana water in your home thanks to our capillary and qualified dealer network. From a local entity, A Roana water is becoming a distinctive and recognizable brand nationally and not only.